Phew, I’m Back

It has been well over three months (maybe more) since my last post.  My computer crashed, can you believe it?  I mean, no one’s computer ever crashes these days, right?  Okay, okay, they do. At any rate, after crash after crash after crash, a trip to Staples, and 4 more GB of RAM, I’m in business again.  It was a memory problem, just like my life these days.

My in-house techie now has to upload (or is it download) all my archived blogs, and I am hopeful that will happen sometime within my lifetime. Next, I have to figure out if those faithful readers who were getting my blogs via some kind of feed or via email is still working.  And, if not, how I let them know I’M BAAAACCCKKK.

I’ll ponder that for a while.