
Today is the first day of Lent.  Forty days of reflection on how this little speck of dust is living her life on this fragile planet, earth.  A list of 40 words was published on FB for contemplation, so I plan to try (I might not succeed) to write a brief paragraph each day on this blog as my Lenten discipline.


It was in the middle of American Idol.  The electricity went out in our development.  The night was without a moon.  It was as dark as I ever remember.  But, it was the quiet that astonished me.  Nothing buzzed, hummed, chirped, dinged, clicked, clacked, or shuffled in the house. Quiet. I wanted it to last forever.  It didn’t, but the memory of those few minutes of quiet will forever ring in my ears.  It is in that kind of quiet we are closest to God. Maybe, if I try hard, I can muster up some interior quiet and talk with God.  “Be still, and know that I am God.”  Psalm 46:10

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