In my ministry I have always said, “If you feed them they will come.” Of course, we always laughed, but in truth, who doesn’t enjoy a meal together. The first Christians looked upon the last supper as sharing an entire meal, not just some wafers and wine. It is a ritual I wish we as today’s Christians would revive. The meal I most remember from the scriptures is the feeding of the 5,000 when a few loaves and couple of fish fed them all with 12 baskets of leftovers. That is how I view feeding our soul, not only our own, but everyone’s. Somehow, no matter how little or how much we have, there is enough for all. It is how I view my giving, of my time, of my treasure, and of my talent. As busy as I am, there is always a slot to help, there is always another dollar to give, there is always a gift I can give. My life is a meal to share. How about yours?
He who observes the day, observes it for the Lord, and he who eats, does so for the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; Romans 14:6a