Hope. Just the word is awesome. Hope. My daughter once told me that if we didn’t have hope, she didn’t think the human race would survive. Interesting. I thought about that a lot and came to the conclusion that she was absolutely right. As Christians we say we live in the hope of the resurrection. We hope for good weather. We hope for good health. We hope our loved ones will not die too early, or without saying goodbye, or some painfully slow death. We hope our team will win. We hope we will get good grades in school. We hope our marriage will last as long as we live. We hope people will love us. We hope, we hope, we hope. Yes, hope may be the very foundation of our life. As Jesus wandered in the desert, climbed the mountain top, or spoke to the masses, he most likely hoped people would hear his message to help the poor, clothe the naked, visit the prisoners, help us to live in truth, mercy, and justice. I hope that I can live up to and into the life Christ called me to be.
“the LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.” Psalm 147:11