I am learning how to live without my Ralph. We were attached at the hip and the heart, not to mention the soul. Many commented on our deep love and connection with each other in the over 80 cards and e-mails we received. They saw what we lived.
I am learning to live without his smile except in pictures. I am learning to live without his presence that so filled my life.
I am learning to live alone with my daughter who lives with us and to forge a mutual connection that suits both of our diverse personalities. We have found that it isn’t going to be as easy as we imagined. We are trying.
I am learning to live with a sense of freedom I haven’t had since I was twenty. The freedom to chose what I want without discussing it with anyone else. The freedom to go where I please, to make independent decisions, to not be accountable to anyone but myself.
I am learning to get my own morning coffee, change the dog’s water, and feed both of us at days end.
I am learning to be a widow. To forge stronger relationships with other widows. To share our grief and our joys. To be with people and not hide myself away in my house. I am learning to venture out more often and see the world without sharing it with Ralph.
Good-bye, my beloved. I will miss you every day and wish that I wasn’t learning to live without your presence.